Monday, May 18, 2015

Still here!

It's been a while, huh? Well, this game is a side it takes a back seat when primary life stuff happens. I have done some work on it:
A new UI layout was the biggest change. After putting the game on my brother's iPhone, I realized the UI was too small and the buttons were too hard to touch correctly. So, now it's all bigger!
I've also added some game progression. You start with a plain, red ball. After you play a certain number of levels, another material will unlock. The more you play, the more materials unlock. This taught me how to work the logic to make some buttons locked, how to increment the unlock system and just basically involve some goal-oriented game play (other than just finishing each maze).
Yes, there will be a video showing these changes...sometime soon.
Still on my to-do list is adjusting the camera and building the rest of the levels. Of course, bug fixes are in there too.