Monday, October 27, 2014

Some logic

Like I said, I'm no programmer...not a coder anyways. Some have said that Blueprints ARE coding...just visually.
I like things simple. This is especially true for my first game. Besides the play and menu system, there's really only 3 Blueprints for each level: The Gate, the Button and the End Tile.
The Gate allows the level designer to choose rotation amount and direction of the gate, as well as gate type (3 types currently) and color. So the Gate BP event is called from the Button. It just rotates the Gate to the set rotation.

The Button is also very simple. It takes the overlap event and (1) calls the Trigger The Gate function in the Gate BP, and (2) pushes down a little when you roll on top of it.

The End Tile takes the overlap event and calls an event on the Pawn that does a lot of other stuff (later). There's an animation associated with it too, when the level begins (not sure I like it though), but most importantly, it sets the Level Index variable. This index is used for save/load game, getting the right "best time" for each level and making sure to record the correct index's LevelCompelte and LevelUnlocked values, and the menu system. More on that later!

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